Littlefield, Walden Receive 2018 Outstanding Educator Award
NFCC Honors Professors for Excellence in Teaching
MADISON, FL - The North Florida Community College Outstanding Educator Award is presented in the fall and spring to recognize NFCC professors for excellence in teaching. The award is presented “in recognition of exceptional support of the North Florida Community College mission through instruction, creative and scholarly engagement, institutional responsibility, service, and professional development.”
Bonnie Littlefield, now retired professor of biology, received the award for Spring Term 2018. NFCC nursing faculty member Julie Walden received the award for Fall Term 2018. Following are comments from students and colleagues highlighting Walden’s and Littlefield’s outstanding qualities as educators.
Fall Term 2018 - Julie Walden

“Mrs. Julie Walden is the most inspiring teacher I have ever had. She not only is an amazing instructor, but is also so helpful and encouraging in everything we do. She is so selfless and has amazing integrity. She makes all of her students want to be better and learn. I hope one day I can impact others in the same way that she has impacted me.”
“Mrs. Walden continuously goes above and beyond for what her students need. She will stay after hours and come early if need be. Her door is open anytime the school is open. I can personally say I would not have made it this far in nursing school without her. I will forever be grateful for all she has done for me.”
“She is so caring and wants he best for her students!”
Spring Term 2018 - Bonnie Littlefield
“Mrs. Littlefield is always willing to help on a one-on-one basis. She shows exceptional
knowledge in A&P and is very professional when teaching. She will review subjects
until, as a class, we all understand.”
“Professor Bonnie Littlefield is nominated for her dedication to her students and NFCC. Many are greatly impacted by her teaching style and the alertness she demands during lecture. She makes great effort to incorporate every student during labs and discussions. The stability provided through her class routines allows students to effectively prepare for tests and quizzes. Overall, Professor Littlefield provides NFCC students well-taught science curriculum in a safe and welcoming environment.”