Aspen Institute Names North Florida College as a Top 150 U.S. Community College Eligible for 2021 Aspen Prize
$1 Million Prize Recognizes Excellence in Equitable Outcomes for Students in and After College
WASHINGTON, D.C., November 5, 2019 — The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program today, Nov. 5, 2019, named North
Florida College as one of 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the $1 million
Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of
high achievement and performance among America's community colleges. Based on strong
and improving in student outcomes—including in learning, completion rates, employment
rates and earnings, and equity—15 percent of community colleges nationwide have been
invited to apply for the Aspen Prize.
“Each day I witness the exemplary measures and dedication that NFC employees across the campus put into action to ensure our students reach their education and life goals,” said NFC President John Grosskopf. “These outstanding efforts have placed NFC among the nation’s top 150 colleges competing for the 2021 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. We are honored to be recognized and proudly share this recognition of high achievement with our students, employees, alumni and community. NFC’s consistent ranking among the nation’s most outstanding colleges is definitely due to our campus and community's overwhelming commitment to student success.”
NFC was selected from a pool of nearly 1,000 public two-year colleges nationwide, based on publicly available data on student outcomes, to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize. Located in 39 states in urban, rural, and suburban areas, serving as few as 500 students and as many as 75,000 students, the 150 community colleges named today as eligible to compete for the 2021 Aspen represent the diversity and depth of the community college sector.
Data show that over the last two years, student retention, graduation rates, and degree completion have improved at the top tier of 150 Aspen Prize-eligible colleges.
“Community colleges play a vital role in developing talent and enabling social mobility across the country, and it’s critical for them to get better at what they do,” said Josh Wyner, executive director of the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program. “We’re pleased to see evidence that these institutions are improving, that more are delivering on their promise. We’re also pleased to play a role in honoring outstanding community colleges and sharing what works to ensure great outcomes for students—through graduation and beyond.”
The top ten finalists for the 2021 Aspen Prize will be named in May 2020. The Aspen Institute will then conduct site visits to each of the finalists and collect additional quantitative data, including employment and earnings data. A distinguished jury will make award decisions in spring 2021.
For a full list of the top 150 eligible institutions and to read more on the selection process, visit
The Aspen Prize is generously funded by ECMC Foundation, Joyce Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, and Siemens Foundation. The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program aims to advance higher education practices, policies, and leadership that significantly improve student outcomes, especially for the growing population of low-income students and students of color on American campuses.
The Aspen Institute is a community-serving organization with global reach whose vision is a free, just, and equitable society. For 70 years, the Institute has driven change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve the world’s greatest challenges. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Institute has offices in Aspen, Colorado, and New York City, and an international network of partners. For more information, visit