NFC Student Julia Willis Named to 2021 All-Florida Academic Team
MADISON, FL (April 2, 2021) – North Florida College student Julia Willis has been
named to the 2021 All-Florida Academic Team. This prestigious designation recognizes
student Phi Theta Kappa members within the Florida College System for their outstanding
academic achievement, leadership and service to the community. Students are nominated
by their respective colleges to the All-USA Academic Team competition sponsored by
the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. This year’s team of 137 students
will be recognized at virtual awards ceremony webcasted on April 23, 2021. Willis,
a member of NFC’s PTK Mu Xi Chapter, will be among the honorees.
Willis is a homeschooled high-school dual enrolled student from Hamilton County. She plans to complete her Associate of Arts degree in May and further her education at the University of Florida studying English and psychology on a pre-law route. Willis became a PTK member this past fall and was drawn to the organization’s dedication to community service.
“PTK membership has helped me learn more about the community by prompting me to get involved in community service,” said Willis. NFC’s PTK Mu Xi Chapter connected through virtual meetings this past year due to COVID-19 safety measures, but Willis says members remained “engaged and connected to each other and our mission.”
Willis plans to watch the virtual ceremony with her family. “I thank God and my family,” said Willis. “Without them, I wouldn’t have been honored with this recognition.”
Phi Theta Kappa is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. The Society is made up of more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in 11 nations, with approximately 240,000 active members in the nation’s colleges. Learn more at
Above: NFC President John Grosskopf congratulates Julia Willis on being selected for the 2021 All-Florida Academic Team.