Lafayette County Seniors Win NFC Foundation Scholarships
Ayden Smith and Jackson Ward win full two-year scholarships to NFC
MADISON, FL (March 9, 2022) - The North Florida College Foundation is wrapping up
a focused outreach initiative in Lafayette County and has already seen a positive
impact. NFC Foundation Director Judy Lundell and Scholarship Coordinator Annabelle
Scott worked closely with NFC Foundation Board of Directors members from Lafayette
County, Elouise Green, Hal Thomas, and Jim Witt to visit the local high school and
civic clubs. Together, they shared more information about scholarship opportunities
and higher education options at North Florida College.
On Feb. 15, representatives from the North Florida College Financial Aid and Recruitment offices joined the NFC Foundation at a Senior night hosted by Lafayette High School to share more information about scholarships and learning opportunities. The NFC Foundation provided snacks, trivia, prizes, and instructions on how to apply for the NFC Foundation’s High School Senior Scholarship online at (deadline March 30).
During the event, two lucky Seniors, Ayden Smith and Jackson Ward won full two-year scholarships to NFC. The names were drawn at random by Elouise Green and Hal Thomas.
“Congratulations to Ayden and Jackson! We look forward to having you join us at the
College and consider it a privilege to be even a small part of your journey into higher
education,” said NFC Foundation Director Judy Lundell. “Lafayette County has been
a gracious host to the NFC Foundation during our Operation Outreach initiatives, and
we have enjoyed our time in the community.”
The NFC Foundation staff also received a warm welcome from the Lafayette Penny Foundation and Mayo Woman’s Club where they visited and spoke at meetings.
The NFC Foundation is working to help as many students as possible in Lafayette County and across the NFC service district to afford college. The deadline to apply for High School Senior Scholarships is March 30. The deadline to apply for Summer Term 2022 scholarships is April 28. For more information, visit or contact the NFC Foundation directly at 850-973-9414 or
Pictured Above:
- (L-R) NFC Foundation scholarship recipient Ayden Smith with NFC Foundation Board of Directors members Elouise Green and Hal Thomas.
- NFC Foundation scholarship recipient Jackson Ward, third from left, with (L-R) parents Nick and Sara Ward, NFC Foundation Board of Directors member Jim Witt, Lafayette High School Guidance Counselor Melissa Hewett and NFC Scholarships Coordinator Annabelle Scott.