Honors Convocation Honors Outstanding Sentinels
Logan Spindell named 2021 NFC Student of the Year
MADISON, FL (April 2021) – North Florida College (NFC) honored students for outstanding
achievement and character during the 2020-2021 academic year during its annual Honors
Convocation ceremony. NFC administrators, faculty and staff, as well as students,
worked together to make this year’s ceremony a special virtual event full of videos,
photos and accomplishment. In his welcoming remarks, delivered via video, NFC President
John Grosskopf invited viewers to celebrate NFC's outstanding Sentinels.
“I want to encourage you to pay attention to the names you hear tonight because they are certainly going to be remarkable individuals who leave their mark on society.”
NFC instructors provided remarks and videos highlighting each student and award. Students, unaware of the specific recognition awarded until the ceremony’s release, submitted photos and information to share about themselves and their educational journey. Combined, the videos, photos and remarks created a virtual ceremony that can be viewed directly athttps://www.livebinders.com/b/2765944.
NFC awarded 33 Outstanding Student Awards in various academic and student leadership areas. Logan Spindell of Madison County received NFC’s prestigious Student of the Year award.
NFC’s top students of 2021 are:
NAME | 2020-2021 Outstanding Student Award | County |
Benjamin Bennett | Public Safety Law Enforcement | Hamilton |
Julia A. Willis | PTK Award | Hamilton |
Lucy Rushing | Human Development | Jefferson |
Marina Edwards | Literature Award | Jefferson |
Landen Brock | Mathematics | Lafayette |
Adam Perry | Economics | Lafayette |
Mallory McCray | History | Lafayette |
Sophia Celedon | Religion Anatomy & Physiology |
Lafayette |
Jessica English | Accounting | Madison |
Jadyn Plummer | Ceramics | Madison |
Roderick Shaw | Physics Calculus |
Madison |
Rebecca Hughes | Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing Award | Madison |
Jennifer Kerrigan | Business | Madison |
Tammy Horne | Design | Madison |
Tris Replogle | Drawing | Madison |
Renarda Arnold | Microbiology | Madison |
Logan Spindell | NFC Student of the Year Award Chemistry Sentinel Upstage Players |
Madison |
Ragan Chauncey | Psychology | Suwannee |
Shelby Smith | Sociology | Suwannee |
Faith Goyette | Public Speaking | Suwannee |
Juanita Clay | Philosophy | Suwannee |
Paige Carroll | Biology | Suwannee |
Jose A. Gomez | Student Government Association | Suwannee |
Victoria Taylor | Painting | Taylor |
Bethany Tascione | Associate Degree Nursing (General) | Taylor |
Dimitri Williams | Composition Award | Taylor |
Noah Sadler | Music Club Award | Taylor |
Joshua Jones | Advanced Manufacturing and Production Technology Engineering Technology |
Leon/Tallahassee |
Olaitan Iblilaiye | Associate Degree Nursing (Bridge) | Leon/Tallahassee |