Rapid Credentialing Scholarships Available for NFC’s Summer EMT and CDL Classes
Apply Now: EMT Class Begins June 1; CDL Class Begins July 30
MADISON, FL (April 30, 2021) – Individuals looking to become an Emergency Medical
Technician (EMT) or commercial truck driver can get fast and potentially free training
at North Florida College this summer. Through a partnership with the Florida Department
of Education, NFC has Rapid Credentialing Scholarships available that may cover up
to 100% of tuition, books and associated fees for its June 1 starting EMT class and
July 30 starting CDL course.
Training for both programs can be completed in just one semester (12 weeks for CDL and 16 weeks for EMT), getting students quickly ready for in-demand jobs in our area, throughout the state and beyond. Potential students must meet program entrance requirements to enroll and to qualify for the summer scholarships.
Those interested are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. These programs are limited
capacity and a limited number of scholarships are available.
To find out more about enrolling in the June 1 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-Basic) program at NFC, contact Tina Parker at 850-973-9493 or email parkercl@nfc.edu. The class will meet two days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the NFC campus in Madison. More information about the program is available at www.nfc.edu/academics/career-and-workforce/emergency-medical-services.
To find out more about enrolling in the July 30 CDL course at NFC, contact Heather Smith at 850-973-9454 or email smithh@nfc.edu. The class will meet Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the NFC campus in Madison. NFC is also offering two free Class A CDL Permit preparation classes, May 15 and May 22 from 4-6 p.m., to help potential students meet program entrance requirements. More information about the program is available at https://www.nfc.edu/academics/career-and-workforce/cdl/.