Tammy Monlyn Memorial Scholarship
Keeping her name and spirit alive
MADISON, FL (December 1, 2020) - Desmond Roberson describes his late mother as a fighter
and an unsung hero. Her family and friends remember her well as a woman of strength
and heart.
One way that Desmond keeps his late mother’s memory and name alive is through the Tammy Monlyn Memorial Scholarship. He and his wife established the NFC Foundation scholarship in her honor after her passing.
Receiving the Tammy Monlyn Memorial Scholarship has helped Derrick Holt, the 2020 recipient, in a special way. Derrick is a first-generation college student who has worked hard to return to school. He has struggled with the financial side of college attendance and knows that his ultimate goal to obtain a Master of Science in Nursing will be costly.
“Knowing that there is somebody there helping, saying ‘I know you can do it’ gives me confidence and eliminates the excuses from my vocabulary,” said Derrick. Thanks to the Tammy Monlyn Memorial Scholarship, his career path in the healthcare field has already begun as he pursues the Registered Nursing program at NFC.
Desmond was moved by the thought that his mother’s scholarship helped someone pursue a career in the medical field. Because of his late mother’s fight against Lupus, Desmond distinctly remembers the role of good nurses who were there around the clock for his family. “My mom was in and out of the hospital for 25 years, and there were 4 or 5 nurses who I can remember throughout those years who were just some of the greatest people. They were so understanding,” said Desmond. He initially established the Tammy Monlyn Memorial Scholarship with nursing students in mind, but he did not stipulate that a student in need was required to be enrolled in a health care degree path. He wanted to help as many students as possible.
Tammy Monlyn was a lifelong resident of Madison and devout member of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church where she served in many capacities including youth director, choir member, and praise team director. She was well-known in the community for her willingness to help those who were drawn to her by the Lord such as young people and others who were suffering with Lupus. Desmond and his family keep her name and legacy alive.
NFC Foundation Director Judy Lundell comments on Desmond Roberson’s community commitment, “Desmond is a tribute to his mother. His heart felt commitment to helping others challenges us all to step up and do whatever we can to help others fulfill their calling. I feel fortunate to be able to work with men and women such as Desmond and his wife in my role as Foundation Director for North Florida College. As the 2020 recipient of Tammy Monlyn Memorial Scholarship, Derrick Holt will be able to further his aspirations to serve others as a nurse.”
For more information about the Tammy Monlyn Memorial Scholarship or other scholarship opportunities, contact the NFC Foundation at foundation@nfc.edu, 850-973-9416 or visit www.nfc.edu/foundation-giving.
Pictured above are Derrick Holt, left, and Desmond Roberson, right, at the NFC campus.