Winners of North Florida College’s Top Gun Competition Announced
NFC Foundation, Sniffen & Spellman, P.A. show appreciation for education and law enforcement by sponsoring fun sharpshooter event at NFC Public Safety Academy
MADISON, FL (Oct. 21, 2021) – Law enforcement officers from across North Florida joined
in a fun, but skillfully intense, sharpshooter competition at the North Florida College
Public Safety Academy on Oct. 16. After a three-round course of fire that tested competitors’
control, accuracy and speed, three winners emerged to be named North Florida’s Top
Jarrod Lauth of the Madison County Sheriff’s Office won first place with a final score of 333 out of the best possible score of 350. Emily Brann of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office won 2nd place scoring 315 and James Fairfield, retired from the City of Tallahassee Police Department, took third place overall with a score of 309. Courses featured in the competition included Bullseye/Precision; Combat/Move and Shoot; and Speed/Accuracy Drill.
“It felt so rewarding for NFC to help host this kind of event for our communities' law enforcement officers,” said Jennifer Page, NFC Dean of Academic Affairs. “It was neat to see these individuals who put their lives on the line for us every day let loose and enjoy putting their skills to the test in a fun rather than stressful way. We appreciate their service to our community, and we look forward to hosting future Top Gun events on our campus with our good friends from the law firm of Sniffen & Spellman.”
The event not only applauded area law enforcement but also announced a $3,000 donation by Sniffen & Spellman, P.A. to the North Florida College Foundation, both sponsors of the event, to help support officers seeking recertification courses through the College’s law enforcement academy. A check presentation helped kick off the event that welcomed officers from across the region.
“We do a lot of education law at our firm and represent a number of law enforcement agencies throughout North Florida,” said Rob Sniffen, the founder and managing partner of Sniffen & Spellman, P.A. “We absolutely love NFC, and this event seemed like a nice way to help a valued client of ours and at the same time show our appreciation for law enforcement. The scholarship that we established at NFC is for law enforcement officers who are seeking recertification and we hope that the students who use the scholarship are able to fill your agencies and become employees of your agencies.”
Sniffen & Spellman Shareholder Michael Spellman wrapped up the welcome with appreciation to law enforcement, “You all put your lives on the line every day and this is just our way to give back.”
Law enforcement officers competing in the sharpshooter event said the event was challenging, fun and an event they hoped to see continue in the future at NFC. Trophies were awarded to the top three winners, along with bragging rights, with the top two, Lauth and Bann, also taking home Paraclete speed plate protective body armor donated by Point Blank Enterprises, Inc. The competition and skills courses were designed by Rick Davis, Director of the NFC Public Safety Programs, and Chris Andrews, Chief Deputy of the Madison County Sheriff’s Office.
“This is an awesome event,” said first-place winner Jarrod Lauth. “We have been waiting for something like this to come to our area for a long time. Thank you to Sniffen & Spellman for being able to do this, their contributions and putting this on is great. Bringing law enforcement from around the area to have a good time, out here for fun, get to be around one another like a time like this, compete and show off our skills is great. Thank you to North Florida [College] for hosting it and again to Sniffen & Spellman for their contributions for all this.”
For more information on the NFC Law Enforcement Recertification Scholarships available through the NFC Foundation, call 850-973-9414 or email More information on the NFC Public Safety Academy’s law enforcement and corrections classes can be found at
Above Photo (left to right): Jarrod Lauth of the Madison County Sheriff’s Office won first place, Emily Brann of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office won 2nd place and James Fairfield, retired from the City of Tallahassee Police Department, took third place overall in NFC's 2021 Top Gun Competition.